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AR application for teaching playing piano

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Meet Our Team

Gal Shalom, Ariel Iny, Alex Bondar
Bachelor Computer Science Students, Technion ,Institute of Technology, Israel

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Use an AR application to teach how to play piano.

   Using Unity as a platform for  developing MR, 

   and Microsoft Hololens v1 as a AR device

Primary Objectives

  1. Easy to use

  2. Accurate piano recognition

  3. Lite weight key-press detection

  4. Positive feedback for playing

  5. Intuitive UI

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Piano Keyboard Detection


Voice Command Interface

Screen Shot 2019-08-19 at 14.39.33.png

Key Press Detection

Woman with Headphones

Multiple songs to learn

Image by Jason Rosewell

Interactive feedback

Piano Keys

Useable on any piano

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Piano Recognition

Image Processing recognition

The recognition of the piano keyboard using OpenCV library, using linear operations of image processing.

After that, Placing virtual piano model on top the real piano.


  1. Learning image processing

  2. Build Piano 3D model in Unity

  3. Recognition of piano keyboard, without any assumptions on the piano

  4. Transforming 2D coordinates to 3D coordinates

  5. Light resource algorithm for piano recognition

  6. Hololens weak processing power

Home: Conclusion

Keyboard Calibration

Keys Calibration

Under the assumption, the user won’t move this head.

We calibrate the middle octave of the keyboard to be detected by the application when pressed by the used.


  1. Learning image processing

  2. Calibration and detection method while keeping it as simple as possible.

  3. Few limitations as possible on the user

  4. Hololens weak processing power

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Home: Conclusion

Finger Recognition


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Development Process

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Screen Shot 2019-08-19 at 14.52.07.png

Image Processing

3D Modeling

Finger Detection

Keyboard Calibration

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